Battle Sister, Lollipop
Grade 1 / 7000 Power / Boost
United Sanctuary / Oracle Think Tank / Human
[CONT](RC): Your vanguard's Limit Break 4 is also active if the number of cards in your damage zone is three or less.
So, on Japan's side, we see a very important card today. It's a card that was confirmed about a week ago, but we now have it as an actual Card of the Day. "Battle Sister, Lollipop" is the Limit Break enabler clone for Oracle Think Tank, allowing Limit Break skills that were previously restricted to late game to be used as soon as you ride Grade 3. This allows a couple of cards, both in and out of the Battle Sister archetype, to be a bit more competitive.
The first, and in my opinion, most important of these is "Battle Sister, Parfait." She was always a card that had a useful side to her Limit Break in that she could attack for 21k columns easily with any 7k booster behind her, but at the same time, her Limit Break had a slightly more useless side. With 4 or more cards in hand, Parfait gains +3000 power and "[AUTO](VC): When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, you may draw a card." Most of the time, during the late game, your opponent is not going to let your vanguard hit, especially considering the fact that OTT tends to run large numbers of critical triggers. However, Lollipop now allows Parfait to be active as low as 0 damage. This means that as soon as you hit Grade 3, you have a vanguard throwing very heavy pressure on your opponent in the form of an advantage engine. Once again considering the critical triggers, early game Parfait could put you ahead significantly in terms of both damage and card advantage if she hits.
Next on my list is "Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu." Her Limit Break once again suffers from the fate of being an on-hit Limit Break ability. However, with Lollipop, she's now active at 2 damage, allowing you to search out your Silent Toms and such to prepare for a heavily offensive late game, or to search out cards such as Weather Forecaster, Miss Mist and Battle Sister, Chocolat to prepare for a more defensive game.
Finally, I present to you "Pentagonal Magus." Crits late game, once again... aren't the greatest thing you could ask for at Limit Break. This one at least had a good bit of merit in helping you close out a game early, or deny your opponent their Limit Break by swinging at them with double Crit and the threat of checking a trigger for the win. However, with Lollipop, this Limit Break becomes even better. The ability to swing for 23k with double Crit consistently early game is something even MLB has trouble doing. This allows you to rush your opponent to high damage early, which makes a card like Silent Tom all the more useful.
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